Timestep printing

Dear Developer Team,

I need to print (on the screen) the timestep simulation at every numerical interaction.

Analysing the code, I found in JSph.cpp the following block of commands:

//-Computation of time.

 if(Part>PartIni || Nstep){


  double tpart=TimerPart.GetElapsedTimeD()/1000;

  double tseg=tpart/(TimeStep-TimeStepM1);


  double tcalc=TimerSim.GetElapsedTimeD()/1000;

  double tleft=(tcalc/(TimeStep-TimeStepIni))*(TimeMax-TimeStep);

  Log->Printf("Part%s %12.6f %12d %7d %9.2f %14s",suffixpartx.c_str(),TimeStep,(Nstep+1),Nstep-PartNstep,tseg,fun::GetDateTimeAfter(int(tleft)).c_str());


 else Log->Printf("Part%s    %u particles successfully stored",suffixpartx.c_str(),npok);  


Just to be effective, the timestep printing command must to be done time inside this block?

With regards.


  • There is an option using XML file ...

    Check content of examples/others/SaveDt

  • Thanks so much, Alex.

    With best regards.

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