particle count in inletOutlet simulation


I am running an inletOutlet type model where I see the total particle count is 1961838

Total particles: 1961838 (bound=1961838 (fx=1961838 mv=0 ft=0) fluid=0)

Total MK blocks: 1 (bound=1 (fx=1 mv=0 ft=0) fluid=0)

Then the simulation is asking memory for 4425350 number of particles below:

Initialising InOut...

**JSphGpu: Requesting gpu memory for 4425350 particles: 915.8 MB.

Is it dynamically allocating memory for higher number of particles?

During iteration log I see reports like below where in the last line as I copied here is a particle count of 6720772. And it seems like the iteration is not progressing to

[Initialising simulation (ijwsvexh) 15-07-2021 00:12:15]

PART    PartTime   TotalSteps  Steps  Time/Sec  Finish time

========= ============ ============ ======= ========= ===================

**CellDiv: Requested gpu memory for 77760 cells (CellMode=Full): 1.2 MB.

**CellDiv: Requested gpu memory for 91392 cells (CellMode=Full): 1.4 MB.

 Progress 0.10% in 30.0s. Estimated finish time: 15-07-2021 08:12:15

 Progress 0.14% in 60.0s. Estimated finish time: 15-07-2021 12:06:43

**CellDiv: Requested gpu memory for 101268 cells (CellMode=Full): 1.5 MB.

**CellDiv: Requested gpu memory for 111720 cells (CellMode=Full): 1.7 MB.

**CellDiv: Requested gpu memory for 124740 cells (CellMode=Full): 1.9 MB.

**CellDiv: Requested gpu memory for 140800 cells (CellMode=Full): 2.1 MB.

**CellDiv: Requested gpu memory for 153318 cells (CellMode=Full): 2.3 MB.

**CellDiv: Requested gpu memory for 166464 cells (CellMode=Full): 2.5 MB.

**CellDiv: Requested gpu memory for 185400 cells (CellMode=Full): 2.8 MB.

 Progress 0.27% in 300.1s. Estimated finish time: 16-07-2021 06:41:29

**JSphGpu: Requesting gpu memory for 6720772 particles: 1390.8 MB.

So, what is the particle count number that I can associate with the memory requirement? Am I trying to simulate 6720772 number of particles or 1961838 (bound=1961838 (fx=1961838 mv=0 ft=0) fluid=0) number of particles? Is the simulation stalling?

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