5th International DualSPHysics Users Workshop

This is a new announcement for the “5th International DualSPHysics Users Workshop”, to be held at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech, in Barcelona (Spain) on 23rd-25th March 2020.


These workshops are designed to be a very informal meeting occasion, ideal for a constructive exchange of ideas, to learn about DualSPHysics and get involved with the project. 

Don’t miss this event, which will include:

- Beta release of new version 5.0 exclusive for workshop participants.

- Keynotes given by developers explaining all these novelties of version 5.0.

- Practical sessions for user and developer levels.

- Presentations by delegates shown strengths and limitations when using DualSPHysics.

More information on: https://dual.sphysics.org/5thusersworkshop/workshop/programme


Release of beta version 5.0 of DualSPHysics package

The new version will include the following novelties:

- Coupling with MoorDyn library (http://www.matt-hall.ca/moordyn.html).

- New functionalities in the coupling with Project Chrono (https://projectchrono.org/).

- New density diffusion term (DDT).

- New rheology models, non-Newtonian formulations and multiphase flows.

- New boundary conditions: Modified Dynamic Boundary Conditions (MDBC).

- New stand-alone wave generation algorithm employing inlet/outlet conditions (WaveInlet).

- Improved documentation: XML_GUIDE for Inlet/Outlet, Chrono, MoorDyn, Rheological.


Practical sessions

Two different practical sessions will be organised the first day:

- Session 1 for users: Running test cases with graphical interface (https://design.sphysics.org/).

- Session 2 for developers: How to modify the source code: which files and functions to edit, compiling and running.


Abstracts for presentation

All delegates are encouraged to submit a 1-page abstract by 13th December 2019 if they wish to present their work. Instructions for abstract submission can be found at: https://dual.sphysics.org/5thusersworkshop/workshop/instructions-for-authors


Journal Special Issue

In addition, contributions of delegates may be selected for possible publication in a special issue of the journal Computational Particle Mechanics (https://link.springer.com/journal/40571), “Latest Developments and Application of SPH using DualSPHysics”.



The early bird rate (until 20th February 2020) is 230 € (180€ for students), which will include all refreshments during the whole event, lunch and dinner on the 24th March 2020.

Further details on registration fees and procedure can be found at https://dual.sphysics.org/5thusersworkshop/workshop/registration


All the information is available at https://dual.sphysics.org/5thusersworkshop/


Best regards,

DualSPHysics team


  • In light of global precautions being announced to combat the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Organising Committee of the 5th DualSPHysics Users Workshop has decided to postpone the Workshop. The decision of the Local Committee and Scientific Committee is in accordance with the official communications from the Rector of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech, hosting institution of the workshop, giving clear instructions to avoid congresses and large gatherings.

    We have been continuously monitoring information, events and guidance related to COVID-19. The current situation in areas where outbreaks have occurred in Europe and beyond oblige us to take measures and postpone the event. The health and well-being of all attendees is our top priority. Yet, we are committed to holding the event at later time and we are thankful for the enthusiasm proved by the huge number of registrations and abstract submissions.

    The workshop is therefore postponed to 26th-28th October 2020. It will take place at the same location, Barcelona, Spain. In any case, we recommend keeping in touch with us on social media, our web site and via e-mail, since the situation is still developing.

    To postpone the event was a very difficult decision. We have been intensively working during the last 18 months for the event, including preparing the major advances for the forthcoming code release and GUI.

    We want to thank all delegates who decided to attend the workshop and we hope to see you in October in Barcelona, when all this situation will be hopefully behind us. 

    If you are unable to attend the Workshop in October 2020, please notify us via e-mail at dualsphysics@gmail.com and emilia.banos@upc.edu (in cc) by 15th May 2020 as latest. The total cost of your registration fee will be refunded. 

    For delegates who intend to attend the Workshop in October we will hold your registration for the new date. If you are an author and you still wish to go ahead with your presentation in October, please inform us by email to secure your place in the Workshop programme. 

    Please note that, holding your registration will give you access to the DualSPHysics v5.0 (beta version) which will be provided to you in due time, in order to guarantee the needs of all participants who were aiming at working with all new DualSPHysics functionalities.  

    We encourage everyone to stay safe, and we look forward to reuniting when this will be over.   


    DualSPHysics team

  • edited April 2020

    Better safe than sorry, very much indeed, and hope all is well. Would you please add some more information about the deadlines now in place for the special issue of the journal Computational Particle Mechanics? Thanks in advance.

  •  Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic circumstances, the 5th DualSPHysics Users Workshop will be moved online (via video link), between 15th and 17th March 2021. The link and details for attending the workshop will be communicated in advance.

    For registration, please follow the instructions at the link below:


    The abstract submission is open again. If you would like to participate with a new contribution, please send a pdf-version of your abstract to dualsphysics@gmail.com.

    Deadline for abstract submission is 15th February 2021.

    The workshop fees are waived, and attendance is free. However, for those that want to present their work, a fee of 20 € will be requested.

    We encourage everyone to stay safe, and we look forward to reuniting when the pandemic is behind us.

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