Modelling a ballasted floating object (hence, mass is not uniformly distributed)

I had the idea of modelling a rigid object like that sketched in the attachment. It is in fact a single floating object. It composed by one outer shell with a certain density/mass and, by the way of ballast, an inner one with another density/mass.

Concerning drawing this using the xml file, in the section <geometry> I could draw this object by using two drawbox commands, for the light and dark green boxes respectively. By filling the outer shell with bound-type particles, I can create the object mkbound #1. Likewise, by drawing the dark-green box and filling it with bound-type particles again, I could create the object mkbound #2.

Building two mkbound objects and declaring them as two separate floatings in the section <floatings> enables me to assign two different masses to each part of the ballasted object. In my design, the particles in each part will end up having different densities.

Ahead of venturing in numerical experiments, my question to the more expert/experienced, is whether DualSPHysics recognizes that 'floating 2' is rigidly contained into 'floating 1' and eventually lets the fluid interact with a single object having a non-uniform mass distribution.

Would the above work out, or are there any suggestion to proceed differently? Thanks in advance for thinking along.


  • Hi

    The correct and best practice is to use ONE floating object, but you should compute its density, center of mass and inertia by hand and then define these parameters in the xml file for the final object.

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