Which part of the code does the 'simulation runtime' refer to?

From the output file of DualSPHysics 4.2, Run.out, I can read the following information
Total Runtime....................: 12.240065 sec.
Simulation Runtime...............: 12.210849 sec.
which is very useful to evaluate the computational workload. These values are expectedly the difference between two markers, for an end time and a beginning time.

Focussing on the simulation runtime only, where are these time markers placed? In other words, which section of the solving algorithm does the 'simulation runtime' precisely measure?

The guide of DualSPHysics 4.2 shows a very useful call chart and table for the GPU-based algorithms (section 6.2, p 53)

Would someone position the beginning and end of the simulation runtime on this chart please? Thanks for clarifying these points.


  • Total Runtime includes the execution of the entire program and Simulation Runtime measures the time since it starts calculating the first time step. Simulation Runtime does not include the initial data loading or initialization of variables.
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