: mkbound as an XML attribute does not support using a range

I had originally given that the following bug report here: https://github.com/DualSPHysics/DualSPHysics/issues/15 - and was later asked to report it here instead... so quoting from there:

Recently I've been testing DualSPHysics 4.3 beta and stumbled on the following situation:

(edit: If the code is hard to see here, please check the original report.)

Notice the `mkbound="10-15"` entry for the `mkzone`. However, only after several simulations did I notice that it was only applying the setting to the first bound:
BoundCorr configuration: DetermLimit....: 0.001 (1st order) ExtrapolateMode: Double MkZone_0 (mkbound:10) Limit position.: (-0.255,0,-0.425) (automatic) Fluid direction: (1,0,0)

I used this at first, because I thought that based on what other similar structures were using, e.g.:

or for example:

Therefore, this report is to request that either:
1. The application complains and stops if it finds an unsupported range for at least the .
2. Or that this range is also supported for .


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