Regarding connecting to DualSPHysics website

I am just curious if you other guys, get the same warning, that this connection is not secure and that Google tells you that this website might be "hacked". Any reason for this and will it be solved or if it is a mistake?

Kind regards, I use Google Chrome


  • That is a warning when using http instead of https with Google Chrome

  • Ah okay, tried writing but it won't connect in that way, maybe I misunderstood something. I was just a bit curious because of safety reasons :-)

    Kind regards
  • Open a web browser, enter "" in the address bar, and go to the homepage to access the DualSPHysics website. To learn more about the software, features, documentation, downloads, and resources, navigate the website. To interact with other users, download the software and sign up for the community. Check the legitimacy of the website to minimise security risks. Consider The Web Factory if you're looking for professional web design services.

  • Hello, works fine for me (firefox)


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