Inlet outlet boundary conditions

Is it possible to impose a constant pressure on the InOut surface?

Thanks for the help


  • Yes, you can impose a constant density value (so that pressure value using equation of state)

    You can check all options that can be imposed in doc/xml_format/_FmtXML_InOut.xml
    And more information can be found here:
  • edited November 2018
    Thanks for your replay Alex.
    I have already checked both the .xml file and the presentation of A. Tafuni, but I'm quite confused on how to properly apply a fixed value of density at the boundary.

    On the .xml file I found this:

    Rhop definitions ***
    Fixed Constant rhop
    imposerhop mode="0" comment="Outlet rhop 0:Imposed fixed value, 1:Hydrostatic, 2:Extrapolated from ghost nodes (default=0)"

    For my understanding this is only the setting to enable fixed rhop at the boundary.
    My question is what is the correct "missing" part of the code to impose the density.
    I'm trying with some like that:

    imposerhop mode="0" comment="Outlet rhop 0:Imposed fixed value, 1:Hydrostatic, 2:Extrapolated from ghost nodes (default=0)"
    rhop value="1517" comment="Characteristic inlet rhop (default=1000)" units_comment="kg/m^2"

    Is it correct or not ?

    Thanks for your help
  • Thanks for your replay Alex.
    I have already checked both the .xml file and the presentation of A. Tafuni, but I'm quite confused on how to properly apply a fixed value of density at the boundary.

    On the .xml file I found this:

    Rhop definitions ***
    Fixed Constant rhop
    imposerhop mode="0" comment="Outlet rhop 0:Imposed fixed value, 1:Hydrostatic, 2:Extrapolated from ghost nodes (default=0)"

    For my understanding this is only the setting to enable fixed rhop at the boundary.
    My question is what is the correct "missing" part of the code to impose the density.
    I'm trying with some like that:

    imposerhop mode="0" comment="Outlet rhop 0:Imposed fixed value, 1:Hydrostatic, 2:Extrapolated from ghost nodes (default=0)"
    rhop value="1517" comment="Characteristic inlet rhop (default=1000)" units_comment="kg/m^2"

    Is it correct or not ?

    Thanks for your help
  • Hey,

    I've been using Inlet as well and I was wondering in which case setting the density should be done. Even though this is weakly compresible SPH, it seems strange to me.

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