Large number of DEM particles
Hi Alex,
I have managed to simulate 65K floating bodies in DualSPHysics. Given the GPU capability of DualSPHysics, I think it has a great potential of being a pure DEM simulator as well. I see that it's limited by the memory constraint of marker Mk at the moment. Can you please point me to the right place in the code to take out the marker tracking of the fluid particles and floating bodies, such that it can treat the current 'fluid' particles as solids? They will have to inherit the properties from the materials xml as well of course. Thanks.
I have managed to simulate 65K floating bodies in DualSPHysics. Given the GPU capability of DualSPHysics, I think it has a great potential of being a pure DEM simulator as well. I see that it's limited by the memory constraint of marker Mk at the moment. Can you please point me to the right place in the code to take out the marker tracking of the fluid particles and floating bodies, such that it can treat the current 'fluid' particles as solids? They will have to inherit the properties from the materials xml as well of course. Thanks.
I am new to DualSPHysics. Its great to know that you managed to simulate ~65k DEM particles. Defining individual particle in the xml is tedious for this amount of particles. It would be great if you can please provide the insight on how you are defining 65k DEM particles. I would really appreciate if you can share some sample xml as well.
Thank you,