Multiphase Flow
A multiphase flow is defined as one in which more than one phase (i.e., gas, solid and liquid) occurs. Such flows are ubiquitous in industry, examples being gas-liquid flows in evaporators and condensers, gas-liquid-solid flows in chemical reactors, solid-gas flows in pneumatic conveying, etc. This introductory article attempts to give an overview, with more detailed material appearing on each individual type of multiphase flow in separate entries.
In multiphase flows, solid phases are denoted by the subscript S, liquid phases by the subscript L and gas phases by the subscript G. Some of the main characteristics of these three types of phases are as follows:
In a multiphase flow, the solid phase is in the form of lumps or particles which are carried along in the flow. The characteristics of the movement of the solid are strongly dependent on the size of the individual elements and on the motions of the associated fluids. Very small particles follow the fluid motions, whereas larger particles are less responsive.
In multiphase flows, solid phases are denoted by the subscript S, liquid phases by the subscript L and gas phases by the subscript G. Some of the main characteristics of these three types of phases are as follows:
In a multiphase flow, the solid phase is in the form of lumps or particles which are carried along in the flow. The characteristics of the movement of the solid are strongly dependent on the size of the individual elements and on the motions of the associated fluids. Very small particles follow the fluid motions, whereas larger particles are less responsive.