I need a red prism filled with particles.
What is not correct in my data?
setdrawmode mode="full" />
setmkfluid mk="0" />
drawprism >
point x="4.0" y="0" z="1" />
point x="3.0" y="0" z="0" />
point x="0" y="0" z="0" />
point x="0" y="0" z="1" />
point x="4.0" y="2" z="1" />
point x="3.0" y="2" z="0" />
point x="0" y="2" z="0" />
point x="0" y="2" z="1" />
setdrawmode mode="full" />
setmkfluid mk="1" />
drawprism >
point x="3.5" y="0" z="1" />
point x="3.5" y="0" z="0.5" />
point x="4" y="0" z="1" />
point x="3.5" y="2" z="1" />
point x="3.5" y="2" z="0.5" />
point x="4" y="2" z="1" />
I need a red prism filled with particles.
What is not correct in my data?
setdrawmode mode="full" />
setmkfluid mk="0" />
drawprism >
point x="4.0" y="0" z="1" />
point x="3.0" y="0" z="0" />
point x="0" y="0" z="0" />
point x="0" y="0" z="1" />
point x="4.0" y="2" z="1" />
point x="3.0" y="2" z="0" />
point x="0" y="2" z="0" />
point x="0" y="2" z="1" />
setdrawmode mode="full" />
setmkfluid mk="1" />
drawprism >
point x="3.5" y="0" z="1" />
point x="3.5" y="0" z="0.5" />
point x="4" y="0" z="1" />
point x="3.5" y="2" z="1" />
point x="3.5" y="2" z="0.5" />
point x="4" y="2" z="1" />
But not in second one, that has no order at all... try this:
point x="4" y="0" z="1"
point x="3.5" y="0" z="0.5"
point x="3.5" y="0" z="1"
point x="4" y="2" z="1"
point x="3.5" y="2" z="0.5"
point x="3.5" y="2" z="1"
I remembered that the problem was already there.
But there is nothing about (clockwise order) this in the documentation
we will try to add more details while finishing XML_GUIDE_V4.2.pdf
more givers, details and examples are needed.
Some place in the documentation is mystery and magic.
"Some place in the documentation is mystery and magic"...
Also the time we devoted to create the documentation comes from magic since we have thousands of duties in the university; teaching, projects, PhD students, papers, conferences... The fact that we are able to release an open source code with documentation is the mystery.
I would like to remember that this is an open and free project.
So perhaps more details will be given in XML_GUIDE_v4.2 if we CAN
I use following data for 2D:
pointmin x="-0.1" y="1" z="-0.1" />
pointmax x="2.1" y="1" z="1.75" />
setshapemode>dp | bound/setshapemode>
setdrawmode mode="full" />
!-- Fluid -->
setmkfluid mk="0" />
drawprism mask="0">
point x="0.2" y="0" z="0"/>
point x="1.8" y="0" z="0"/>
point x="2.0" y="0" z="0.2"/>
point x="2.0" y="0" z="0.3125"/>
point x="0.0" y="0" z="0.3125"/>
point x="0.0" y="0" z="0.2"/>
point x="0.2" y="1" z="0"/>
point x="1.8" y="1" z="0"/>
point x="2.0" y="1" z="0.2"/>
point x="2.0" y="1" z="0.3125"/>
point x="0.0" y="1" z="0.3125"/>
point x="0.0" y="1" z="0.2"/>
shapeout file="" reset="true" />
!-- Bound -->
setmkbound mk="0" />
drawprism mask="0">
point x="0.2" y="0" z="0"/>
point x="1.8" y="0" z="0"/>
point x="2.0" y="0" z="0.2"/>
point x="2.0" y="0" z="1.1"/>
point x="1.6" y="0" z="1.5"/>
point x="0.4" y="0" z="1.5"/>
point x="0.0" y="0" z="1.1"/>
point x="0.0" y="0" z="0.2"/>
point x="0.2" y="2" z="0"/>
point x="1.8" y="2" z="0"/>
point x="2.0" y="2" z="0.2"/>
point x="2.0" y="2" z="1.1"/>
point x="1.6" y="2" z="1.5"/>
point x="0.4" y="2" z="1.5"/>
point x="0.0" y="2" z="1.1"/>
point x="0.0" y="2" z="0.2"/>
shapeout file="LNG-Prizm" reset="true"/>
Dark red line is buondary and blue is fuid
Points are shown counterclockwise
Total particles: 25897 (bound=2320 (fx=2320 mv=0 ft=0) fluid=23577)
he problem is that by the end of the calculation of 23075 particles fly out of the tank
The initial stage of simulation
definition dp="0.005">
pointmin x="-0.1" y="1" z="-0.1" />
pointmax x="2.1" y="1" z="1.75" />
setshapemode>dp | bound/setshapemode>
setdrawmode mode="full" />
!-- Fluid -->
setmkfluid mk="0" />
drawprism mask="0">
point x="0.2" y="0" z="0"/>
point x="0.0" y="0" z="0.2"/>
point x="0.0" y="0" z="0.375"/>
point x="2.0" y="0" z="0.375"/>
point x="2.0" y="0" z="0.2"/>
point x="1.8" y="0" z="0.0"/>
point x="0.2" y="2" z="0"/>
point x="0.0" y="2" z="0.2"/>
point x="0.0" y="2" z="0.375"/>
point x="2.0" y="2" z="0.375"/>
point x="2.0" y="2" z="0.2"/>
point x="1.8" y="2" z="0.0"/>
shapeout file="" reset="true" />
!-- Bound -->
setmkbound mk="0" />
drawprism mask="0">
point x="0.2" y="0" z="0"/>
point x="0.0" y="0" z="0.2"/>
point x="0.0" y="0" z="1.1"/>
point x="0.4" y="0" z="1.5"/>
point x="1.6" y="0" z="1.5"/>
point x="2.0" y="0" z="1.1"/>
point x="2.0" y="0" z="0.2"/>
point x="1.8" y="0" z="0.0"/>
point x="0.2" y="2" z="0"/>
point x="0.0" y="2" z="0.2"/>
point x="0.0" y="2" z="1.1"/>
point x="0.4" y="2" z="1.5"/>
point x="1.6" y="2" z="1.5"/>
point x="2.0" y="2" z="1.1"/>
point x="2.0" y="2" z="0.2"/>
point x="1.8" y="2" z="0.0"/>
shapeout file="LNG-Prizm" reset="true"/>
The result is wrong:
Total particles: 225162 (bound=225162 (fx=225162 mv=0 ft=0) fluid=0)
What is wrong in this case?