
So the XML Guide says that

That particles are only created with in this domain.
Once particles have been created the dimensions of the domain for simulation are calculated again starting from minimum and maximum positions of the created particles.

When GenCase starts to calculate the minimum and maximum positions of the particles once again, how does it does so ? Could you please provide a rough idea of the algorithm used to do so. I believe, GenCase is cutting of a few domain particles in my geometries.


  • Sorry if this was not clear:

    When GenCase starts to calculate the minimum and maximum positions of the particles once again, how does it does so ?
    ALEX. Never, hehehe, GenCase only creates particles in the domain defined using pointmin and pointmax. DualSPHysics computes the limits of the domain using the minimum and maximum position of the particles loaded from Case.bi4 created by GenCase.

    Could you please provide a rough idea of the algorithm used to do so. I believe, GenCase is cutting of a few domain particles in my geometries.
    ALEX: Again, GenCase only creates particles in the domain defined by pointmin and pointmax in the begining of the XML


  • Well, Thanks for the quick reply!

    Maybe the following document ( Attached to the comment) explains my problem in a much better way and why I think the processing in GenCase is resulting in error. It would be of great help, if you will be able to look into it. I

  • pointmin and poinmax in XML should be always slightly higher than the domain where you will create particles

    please, just try to increase pointmin and pointmax...
    again those are only limits to create particles, they are not the limits of the domain in DualSPHysics...

    in Run.out you can read the real limits
  • Allright !

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