get the gpu running
Hi all,
unfortunatelly I am not able to get DualSPHysics 4.2 running on my GPU. Version 4.0 still runs fine. I installed the latest toolkit version 9.1 (I also tried 9.0 and the older versions). I also updated the drivers several times. I have a Geforce GT 630 on my desktop. It seems to recognize the GPU and lists it in the run.out.
The error message I get is the following:
Exception (JSphGpuSingle::ConstatsDataUp)
Text: Failed copying constants to GPU. (CUDA error:: invalid device symbol).
Any ideas??? Thank you for your help !!!
unfortunatelly I am not able to get DualSPHysics 4.2 running on my GPU. Version 4.0 still runs fine. I installed the latest toolkit version 9.1 (I also tried 9.0 and the older versions). I also updated the drivers several times. I have a Geforce GT 630 on my desktop. It seems to recognize the GPU and lists it in the run.out.
The error message I get is the following:
Exception (JSphGpuSingle::ConstatsDataUp)
Text: Failed copying constants to GPU. (CUDA error:: invalid device symbol).
Any ideas??? Thank you for your help !!!
As you can read in:
Supported CUDA level of GPU and card. See also at Nvidia:
CUDA SDK 6.5 support for compute capability 1.0 – 5.x (Tesla, Fermi, Kepler, Maxwell). Last version with support for compute capability 1.x (Tesla)
CUDA SDK 7.5 support for compute capability 2.0 – 5.x (Fermi, Kepler, Maxwell)
CUDA SDK 8.0 support for compute capability 2.0 – 6.x (Fermi, Kepler, Maxwell, Pascal). Last version with support for compute capability 2.x (Fermi)
CUDA SDK 9.0/9.1 support for compute capability 3.0 – 7.x (Kepler, Maxwell, Pascal, Volta)
So you have to:
- use other GPU with higher compute capability
- install lower version of CUDA and compile including your compute capability
For those who are also not keen buying a new graphics card with higher compute cababilities. This is what I did:
- Updated to VS 2015 (I had VS 2010)
- Installed the latest capable Cuda package (version 8.0 in my case)
- Modiefied all enties that were related to cuda 9.1 to cuda 8.0 in DualSPHysics4Re.vcxproj
- then I was able to load the project and compile it for the CPU
- for the GPU compitation I had to modify all CodeGeneration entries in DualSPHysics4Re.vcxproj for example I edited: compute_30 back to compute_20 as it was the case in version 4.0
I hope that helps ... Best H
Were you able load the "DualSPHysics4Re_vs2015.sln" file to your VS2015? When I open it in my VS2015, it does not show any project file. Any idea what I am doing wrong? The file size of DualSPHysics4Re_vs2015.sln is only 2 kb that tells me it has probably nothing in it.