Kernel correction
From reading this forum, I have found why the "Kernel Gradient Correction" is not implemented in the code.
But I have not found the reason for "Kernel Correction".
Can any one describe it to me?
From reading this forum, I have found why the "Kernel Gradient Correction" is not implemented in the code.
But I have not found the reason for "Kernel Correction".
Can any one describe it to me?
- close to free-surface
- at interfaces
- close to boundaries
So kernel corrections means basically "normalisation" so Wab / sumWab
But I think this process is not carried out during the solution. Right?
kernel is only used in some post-processing tools such as MeasureTool in order to obtain values when sum_wab is more than a minimum value...
in this way we avoid to obtain magnitudes if the number of neighbours is too low for example and we normalise the kernel if sum_wab>0.5 (by default)
In the post processing document, computing the velocity is:
V_a=sum (V_b*W_ab) / sum (W_ab)
So, this formulation is the "kernel correction". Right?
If the sum(W_ab) is less than 0.5, what would happen?
If the sum(W_ab) is less than 0.5, what would happen?
Then a DUMMY value will be used.
Generally we use ZERO (for velocity for example)
or -9999999 (for pressure)
See the attached picture.
Would you mind please explain it more?