Multiple waves

edited February 2018 in DualSPHysics v4.2

Is it possible to simulate multiple waves, for example two wavemakers (each generating waves in a different direction) working at the same time?


  • edited February 2018
    Hi Gorazd_Novak

    I think it is possible to make two wavemakers using DualSPHysics, you can found it on Alex explanation

    you can also use prescribe motion for wavemaker. You can follow example in case wavemaker.
  • Hi andi_tri!

    Thanks for your comment.
    In the example above the wavemakers are moving in the same direction, but I woud like to model a bay with waves coming from two almost perpendicular directions at the same time.
    I've set up a rectangular domain with two different wavemakers, each on a different side (say north and west, for example), and not completely adjacent to each other (they are not obstructing each other), but only one of the two works. I'm aware of the Design SPHysics warning about the exclusiveness, but I was wondering if there's a way to go around this limitation. Perhaps in the coming release?
  • Hi may be it helps but as mentioned by others you can define different motions to your boundaries...
    Basically you set a mk for your wall (e.g. mk 20 -> wavemaker 1) and another mk for your secound wall (e.g. mk 21 -> wavemaker 2). Then you doublecheck the case template.xml and scroll down until you find objreal. You can copy paste these examples and abdapt them for your needs. For example you could set the objreal ref value to your first mk and define its its motion and then the same for you secound mk. That should work... Best of luck...
  • in the MOTION folder you have many examples to do that

  • Hansoloo and Alex,

    Thanks a lot. I'm using Design SPHysics interface (and I like it a lot!) and there one can set up different wavemakers very nicely, but in my case only one works, although the specifying multiple wavemakers gets written in the generated _Def.xml file. I'll try changing _Def.xml using your advice.
  • Edit:... although the MOTION part of the xml, specifying ...
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