Is it possible to simulate the dam break case for dry sand?

edited November 2017 in DualSPHysics v4.2
Hi all, now I doing something related to the collapse of dry sand, and I want to know is it possible to change water into dry sand in the CASEDAMBREAK, if so , what parameters I should modify, of course the properties of water and dry sand are quite different?


  • No, I think you can not achieve that at this moment. In the beta version of multiphase flow, only two phases modeling is available, one phase of non-Newtonian flow is not permitted.
  • One way of getting around this is to create a single "water" particle at some corner of the domain that is not of interest to you (if you are doing a sand collapse case)

    On the second non-Newtonian flow you should input the characteristics of your sand, such as cohesion, yield stress, non-Newtonian behaviour etc
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