Exception (JStlFile::IsBinaryFile)
Hi All,
First thanks for your efforts on this great tool.
I'm working up the learning curve at the moment (aka newb) but have hit a snag with the DesignSPHysics (using version 0.4.1711-02) with FreeCAD v 0.16.
I can create, CaseGen and run simulations using primitive shapes but as soon as I perform any operations on the shapes, or import an STL into DesignSPHysics CaseGen will not run it.
Even when I load and run CaseGen on the initials_example model casedata.dsphdata which comes as part of the test-examples in the download package.
I get the following;
OmpThreads: 4
List: MAIN
Total operations: 12
[LoadXML-End time:0.000s]
Mk size: 1 bytes
Case limits: (0.3,0.3,-0.05) - (3.3,2.3,1.95)
Distance between points: 0.06
Case domain: (0,0,0)-(49,32,32)
Domain points: 50 x 33 x 33 = 54450
Case parts: 1 x 33z
Memory: 0.00Gb 0.05Mb (54450)
*** Exception (JStlFile::IsBinaryFile)
Text: Cannot open the file.
File: casing.stl
I completely recognize the comment that its Beta but was wondering If there something I'm doing wrong - given event the test example wont CaseGen.
Thanks in advance for any support.
First thanks for your efforts on this great tool.
I'm working up the learning curve at the moment (aka newb) but have hit a snag with the DesignSPHysics (using version 0.4.1711-02) with FreeCAD v 0.16.
I can create, CaseGen and run simulations using primitive shapes but as soon as I perform any operations on the shapes, or import an STL into DesignSPHysics CaseGen will not run it.
Even when I load and run CaseGen on the initials_example model casedata.dsphdata which comes as part of the test-examples in the download package.
I get the following;
OmpThreads: 4
List: MAIN
Total operations: 12
[LoadXML-End time:0.000s]
Mk size: 1 bytes
Case limits: (0.3,0.3,-0.05) - (3.3,2.3,1.95)
Distance between points: 0.06
Case domain: (0,0,0)-(49,32,32)
Domain points: 50 x 33 x 33 = 54450
Case parts: 1 x 33z
Memory: 0.00Gb 0.05Mb (54450)
*** Exception (JStlFile::IsBinaryFile)
Text: Cannot open the file.
File: casing.stl
I completely recognize the comment that its Beta but was wondering If there something I'm doing wrong - given event the test example wont CaseGen.
Thanks in advance for any support.
If you have still problems, please contact with Andrés Viera (contact details in design.sphysics.org)
I'll email Andres Viera as suggested.
Thanks for your help Alex.