Additional parameters

edited November 2017 in DualSPHysics v4.2

I'm using DesignSPHysics and I want to know the syntax of the additional parameters in the PartVTK tool.
So far I tried to used the ones described ("-vars:all", "-vars:-idp") in the guide but without success, FreeCAD returning the same error "There was an error on the post-processing".
Is there any syntax difference with terminal version ?
(My final goal is to introduce new variables in the code, save them and read them in Paraview.)
Thank you for you answer,



  • Additional parameters should be used for options that are not available now in the GUI. Since "vars" is already available in the menu, you do not have to introduce it again as additional parameter.

    New release 4.2 will include a clearer example of how to save and read new variables introduced by the user. The code will be release by January 2018

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