Solid-Solid interaction (DEM)

edited August 2017 in DualSPHysics_v4.0
from JSphCpu::InteractionForcesDEM function it seems that fn (normal contact force) is applied in the normal between the particles (as mentioned in the source code). it is valid if particles from two interacting solid falls exactly on top of each other but what happens to the case that particle from solid A falls in between two particles from solid B. For this case the normal force is not going to be aligned with the normal vector of the face that these particles belong to. would you please clarify? thank you in advance.


  • You can always send your questions about DEM to the developer of that part Dr Ricardo Canelas (info in developers section)

  • Hey Roozbeh,

    You are correct in your assertion, if you check the papers were we lay the foundations for our DCDEM implementation you can see the effect described. We explicitly avoid computing face normals and using them as that is a considerable performance choke, considering the code structure we have been working on so far. It leads to unpleasant surface-surface effects, as all DCDEM methods we have found.

    That is one of the main reasons we are completely changing how we consider solid-solid interactions. We are coupling a very robust general-purpose mechanics solver in DualSPHysics, with very good results. You can see some initial conclusions on

    This should completely solve the issue you describe, accurately solve frictional problems and allow for complex mechanisms to be set-up, with arbitrary kinematic and dynamic restrictions. Development is on-going, we should have a beta for release soon.

  • Thank Ricardo for the response.
  • Hello Dr. Ricardo,

    Are you releasing the new solid-solid interactions scheme in the version 4.2?

  • No, that will be included in future releases, but not in next v4.2 (February 2018)

  • Thanks for your reply.
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