Particle weight of floating bodies
Hello everyone,
I'm simulating a floating body and have some minor problems to match the experimental data, so the following question occurred:
Does the particle weight of a floating body have an influence on the movement of the body? Or in other words: Is there a difference in simulating the body as "full" or as "face"? Because in this case, the total mass and the volume of the complete body are the same, but the weight of a single boundary particle is different, because the floating body consists of much more particles while using "full" compared to using "face".
In the way I understand the equations given in the Users Guide (equations 32 ff. in p. 22), the weight of the single boundary particle has an influence. If this should be the case, would it be better to use "face" or "full" for the simulations of a floating body?
I'm simulating a floating body and have some minor problems to match the experimental data, so the following question occurred:
Does the particle weight of a floating body have an influence on the movement of the body? Or in other words: Is there a difference in simulating the body as "full" or as "face"? Because in this case, the total mass and the volume of the complete body are the same, but the weight of a single boundary particle is different, because the floating body consists of much more particles while using "full" compared to using "face".
In the way I understand the equations given in the Users Guide (equations 32 ff. in p. 22), the weight of the single boundary particle has an influence. If this should be the case, would it be better to use "face" or "full" for the simulations of a floating body?
To get realistic floating behavior, you must fill the object with boundary particles. This means setting drawmode to "full" in the case of spheres, etc., but also using "solid" in "boxfill " if you're using drawbox. Pages 19 and 20 in XML_v4.0_GUIDE.pdf should be helpful, as should CaseSolids_Def.xml.
If you find yourself needing to use an STL to define the surface of a floating object, check out my workflow via this thread: