Create particle using mode fill
Hi all,
I try make simulation of floating ship using external file. from my understanding about floating case we must use mode full for ship to get proper phenomenon. I try using option fill box to fill ship with particle but it doesn't work. can anyone help me how to fill ship with particle so I can get mode full.?
XML file
I try make simulation of floating ship using external file. from my understanding about floating case we must use mode full for ship to get proper phenomenon. I try using option fill box to fill ship with particle but it doesn't work. can anyone help me how to fill ship with particle so I can get mode full.?
XML file
Sorry I didn't understand you question,
you have a *.stl file, with the ship geometry, but you also have a tank. also your modefill is not set to anything..
Second you use fillbox option to fill the interior of your object with floaying particles (use same mk'as before) you can define limits of a box where your object is included
1.) Pick a seed point inside the STL geometry. In ParaView, you can use "Axes Grid" to find the bounds of the object, then select a point somewhere close to the center of the interior space.
2.) For [ modefill ], use "border|bound"
3.) For the points, select points slightly below the minimum x, y, and z determined using "Axes Grid" in ParaView
4.) Size should be at least, but preferably slightly larger than, ( x_max - x_min ), ( y_max - y_min ), ( z_max - z_min ) as calculated from the confines of the STL seen using "Axes Grid" in ParaView
Always check Case_Bound.vtk to ensure that your floating or DEM objects are full of boundary particles. Bisecting the object with the "Clip" filter in ParaView can help with this.
thanks for your comment and It work(cheer). thanks in advance
Best Regards,