Fluid particle out and its impact on pressure result
Dear Admins and DualSPHysics Users,
I created a 3D simulation of irregular wave interacting with a fixed structure based on the Case Irregular wave Generation. As processing the program, a number of particles had been excluded, however, not by out of density range. The run.txt only reported that "Fluid particle out"...........44.
Can you explain to me: in my 3D simulation, there was 170889 particles if 44 particles were excluded, would it have impact on the pressure result? The result was acceptable or not? And how much particles can be excluded without any impact on result?
Thank you for your help.
Hoa X. Nguyen
I created a 3D simulation of irregular wave interacting with a fixed structure based on the Case Irregular wave Generation. As processing the program, a number of particles had been excluded, however, not by out of density range. The run.txt only reported that "Fluid particle out"...........44.
Can you explain to me: in my 3D simulation, there was 170889 particles if 44 particles were excluded, would it have impact on the pressure result? The result was acceptable or not? And how much particles can be excluded without any impact on result?
Thank you for your help.
Hoa X. Nguyen
Thank you so much for your kind response. I received the email, I changed the .xml and run this again. Thank you and wish you all the best.
Best regards,
Thank admins and you for your kind support. I run the simulation and there are 72 particles out. Could you explain about the particles out? Does it have any impact on the pressure surface of obstacle?
For example, run.txt
[Simulation finished 30-05-2017 21:35:28]
Particles of simulation (initial): 306705
DTs adjusted to DtMin............: 0
Excluded particles...............: 72
Total Runtime....................: 266720.937500 sec.
Simulation Runtime...............: 266701.937500 sec.
Time per second of simulation....: 26669.996094 sec.
Steps per second.................: 0.153433
Steps of simulation..............: 40921
PART files.......................: 501
Maximum number of particles......: 334999
Maximum number of cells..........: 9792
CPU Memory.......................: 67054924 (63.95 MB)
any problem, please send to us an email
I also created a 3D regular wave tank by simply modifying the CaseWavesReg xml file as follows:
definition dp="0.02" units_comment="metres (m)"
pointmin x="-1" y="0.1" z="-1"
pointmax x="8" y="1.9" z="1"
Discussing with HoaXNguyen, I shortened the y limits as shown in the codes but it did not work. In my case, almost 25% particles are leaking and most of them are at the boundary edges of Y-direction. Can any one tell me what am I missing here? How can I prevent the particle leaks?
1, You still have boundary in Y-direction because you created beach shape. You can check the geometry by using the geometry check in User guide.
2, In my simulation, I create one more boundary in rectangular shape to avoid leaking, it does not work perfectly, there are 23 particles out but it stay inside the second boundary layer. If you create the second boundary like me, the reult.txt will not show any leaked particles, you need to check the simulation to find where they come out of domain.
3, . What does this line mean? -> In Userguide, this is the seed point to create the fluid.
Hope this help.
I was able to complete a simulation with "zero" excluded particle. I think an appropriate resolution of the fluid particles can prevent the leaks. I used a dp of ~H/10 and got no leaked particles out of my ~1.4 million fluid particles. And I did not use any secondary boundary layer that you suggested. The only cons is it takes a longer period of time to finish the run.