how to draw a cube in a xml file?
draw a cube from original coordinate in xml file and then move it according to a vector and then rotate
it according to an angle. then load it to paraview to see its figure, but it seem to be out of shape, briefly it not like a cube, whats the problem?
it according to an angle. then load it to paraview to see its figure, but it seem to be out of shape, briefly it not like a cube, whats the problem?
drawfilestl file="File.stl"
drawmove x="0.5" y="0" z="0"
drawrotate angx="10" angy="15" angz="30"
drawscale x="1" y="1" z="0.8"
Note that the same values you have to use in drawmove, drawrotate and drawscale are the values you use in paraview for scale, orientation...
So you can load the external cube in Paraview and apply the changes to locate it where you want, then copy those values in the XML