Copyright (c) 2020 by Dr Jose M. Dominguez Alonso, Dr Alejandro Crespo, Prof. Moncho Gomez Gesteira, Prof. Benedict Rogers, Dr Georgios Fourtakas, Prof. Peter Stansby, Dr Renato Vacondio, Dr Corrado Altomare, Dr Angelo Tafuni, Orlando Garcia Feal, Ivan Martinez Estevez EPHYSLAB Environmental Physics Laboratory, Universidade de Vigo School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester DualSPHysics is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. DualSPHysics is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with DualSPHysics. If not, see . DualSPHysics5 v5.0.175 (21-02-2021) ==================================== Threads by host for parallel execution: 8 [Initialising JSphCpuSingle 01-09-2021 17:15:49] ProgramFile=".../bin/linux/DualSPHysics5.0CPU_linux64" ExecutionDir=".../DualSPH/Motoscafo/Riva" XmlFile=".../Riva/Out/Riva.xml" OutputDir=".../Motoscafo/Riva/Out" OutputDataDir=".../Riva/Out/data_restart" PartBegin=10 PartBeginDir="Out/data" PartBeginFirst=10 XML-App: GenCase v5.0.229 (29-01-2021) XML-Vars (uservars + ctes): CaseName=["Riva"] Data2D=[0] Data2DPosy=[0] H=[0.0173205] KernelSize=[0.034641] B=[218623] Gamma=[7] Rhop0=[1000] Dp=[0.01] Gravity_x=[0] Gravity_y=[0] Gravity_z=[-9.81] MassFluid=[0.001] MassBound=[0.001] XML-Vars (parameters): TimeMax=[1.5] TimeOut=[0.01] **Basic case configuration is loaded **Special case configuration is loaded Loading initial state of particles... Loaded particles: 489079 MapRealPos(final)=(-0.300866,-0.500866,-0.000866025)-(2.09087,0.500866,0.400866) **Initial state of particles is loaded **3D-Simulation parameters: CaseName="Riva" RunName="Riva" Symmetry=False SavePosDouble=False SaveFtAce=False SvTimers=True Boundary="DBC" StepAlgorithm="Symplectic" Kernel="Wendland" Wendland.awen=80401.8 Wendland.bwen=-2.321011e+07 Viscosity="Artificial" Visco=0.01 ViscoBoundFactor=1 DensityDiffusion="None" Shifting="None" RigidAlgorithm="None" FloatingCount=0 CaseNp=470566 CaseNbound=52393 CaseNfixed=52393 CaseNmoving=0 CaseNfloat=0 CaseNfluid=418173 PeriodicActive="None" Dp=0.01 KernelH=0.017321 (CoefficientH=1; H/Dp=1.73205) KernelSize=0.03464102 CteB=218622.9 Gamma=7 RhopZero=1000 Cs0=39.11981615019426 CFLnumber=0.2 DtIni=0.0004427553562840377 DtMin=2.213776814408033e-05 DtAllParticles=False MassFluid=0.001 MassBound=0.001 TimeMax=1.5 TimePart=0.01 Gravity=(0,0,-9.81) NpMinimum=52393 RhopOut=True RhopOutMin=700 RhopOutMax=1300 WrnPartsOut=True **Requested CPU memory for 489207 particles: 73.7 MB. *** Exception (JSphMk::GetCodeById) at JSphMk.cpp:165 Text: Mk block of particle (idp=524026) was not found. Finished execution (code=1).