Calculation of Velocity in Post-Processing
Does anyone by chance have an example considering how to calculate this properly?

I am trying to do this on the example with Periodicity in Main at location x = 0.2, y = 0 and z = 0.002, using this code:
The result from the measuretool seems a bit weird when compared with my own code:

My own code is basically done in Julia as:
Maybe some one can help me out / show me an example of why I am wrong?
Kind regards

I am trying to do this on the example with Periodicity in Main at location x = 0.2, y = 0 and z = 0.002, using this code:
set dirout2=%dirout%\measuretool
%measuretool% -dirin %diroutdata% -points points_cyl.txt -savecsv %dirout2%/VelPointBottom2 -vars:-all,+vel -onlytype:-all,+fluid
if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto fail
The result from the measuretool seems a bit weird when compared with my own code:

My own code is basically done in Julia as:
h = convert(Float32,0.002449) #m, smoothing length for Periodicty, example 2 in Main
x = convert(Float32,0.2) #y = 0 z = 0 in theory now
#\alphaD from Runout file
αD = 92833.429688 #7/(4*pi*(h/2)^2) #Wendland Quintic 2D
#Abs since a particle on both sides of x should be counted in bool later
q(ra::Float32,rb::Array{Float32,1},h::Float32) = abs.(ra.-rb)/h
#Wendland kernel as in Periodicity
W(q) = αD*(1 .- q/2).^4 .* (2 .* q .+ 1)
#Reading points data for particles and velocity
pos = readVtkArray("PartFluid_",PostSPH.Points)
vel = readVtkArray("PartFluid_",PostSPH.Vel)
#Initializing x-velocity array, Vab
Vab = []
for i = 1:length(pos)
qab = q(x,pos[i][:,1],h)
#Bool is to ensure on values between 0 and 2 are taken into account
bool = convert(Array{Int},0 .< qab .< 2)
qabF = q(x,pos[i][:,1],h).*bool
Wab = W(qabF)
Maybe some one can help me out / show me an example of why I am wrong?
Kind regards
Kind regards
And compute velocity far from boundary layer since maybe you are not considering GAP fluid-bound or other boundary effects
Kind regards
1) normalised the kernel
2) we only compute variables if the sum_wab is higher than a minimum value (0.5 for example)... this helps to avoid computing variables when we have only 2-3 particles in the kernel domain
dummy values are "0" for velocity, but can be -999999999 for pressure, etc
Will let you know if I couldn't find it, in the weekend.
Kind regards
"Kernel correction is also applied when the summation of the kernel values around the position is higher than a value (-kclimit:) defining a dummy value if the correction is not applied (-kcdummy:). "